洪博培事件本人回应 韩国新闻报道洪博培被民众认出 外媒报道“洪博培被民众”认出事件
针对时任美国驻华大使洪博培在北京被群众认出一事,洪博培其家人在华盛顿时报网站的文章中是这样回答的:“We were having dinner on a Sunday evening with the kids. We walked all the time, and we were going to go a museum. We had no idea. We saw all these cameras and said, ah, they must be filming a movie,” she said, adding that the Chinese media somehow branded her eldest son and son-in-law as the ambassador’s body guards. 中文大意是这样的:我们在那天周日晚上带着孩子共进晚餐,打算走到那里去是为了看一个博物馆,我们不知道那里有这么多人,我们以为是在拍电影和广告。随后洪博培的妻子还补充说道,她认为中国的媒体把洪博培的孩子们误认为是洪博培的保镖(注:就是视频中两个光头的洪博培贴身人员,至于是不是真的洪博培的“孩子”我们暂时无从得知) [7] 。