阿夫拉姆·赫什科编著的论著有《Proposed role of ATP in protein breakdown: Conjugation of proteins with multiple chains of the polypeptide of ATP-dependent proteolysis》《Components of ubiquitin-protein ligase system: resolution, affinity purification and role in protein breakdown》《 ATP-dependent degradation of ubiquitin-protein conjugates》《The protein substrate binding site of the ubiquitin-protein ligase system》《A multicomponent system that degrades proteins conjugated to ubiquitin. Resolution of components and evidence for ATP-dependent complex formation》《The cyclosome, a large complex containing cyclin-selective ubiquitin ligase activity, targets cyclins for destruction at the end of mitosis》等。 [14]
阿夫拉姆·赫什科人物评价编辑 播报 Avram Hershko(右)参加学术会议
“阿夫拉姆·赫什科为培养中国高级科学人才、促进中国科学家的国际学术交流做出了贡献。”(中国科学院评) [1]
“阿夫拉姆·赫什科在发现泛素依赖性蛋白质降解的机制功能研究方面做出了重大贡献(Hershko stand out in their seminal contributions to the discovery of both the mechanism and the functions of ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis)。”(沃尔夫基金会评) [18]